Senior officers of the corporation, representatives of RWAs, and a number of local people participated in the event.The East Delhi Municipal Corporation (EDMC), in association with the Indian Pollution Control Association (IPCA) and Dabur India Ltd, also organised a plogging drive under the “My 10 kg Plastic Campaign” at the V3S Mall bus stand in Laxmi Nagar, where participants picked plastic waste on the go. Mr Baijal also administered the oath to the participants to eliminate single-use plastic, segregate the waste, and to motivate others to keep Easy tear films Manufacturers the city clean and green.The South Delhi Municipal Corporation (SDMC) also organised plog runs in all four zones, which witnessed a large crowd of enthusiastic participants. They also collected plastic waste in large quantities.At the Golden Jubilee Park (near Rajghat), lieutenant-governor Anil Baijal flagged off the run in the presence of police commissioner Amulya Patnaik. Mayor Anju Kamalkant said: “We need to remove plastic from our lifestyle so that we can save our environment.Commissioner Dr Dilraj Kaur said that plastic is harmful to the environment because it takes thousands of years to decompose.New Delhi: On the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, several government agencies, including the Delhi police, organised a “plog run” across the city.Plogging is a combination of walking and jogging and picking up the litter scattered around while at it


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A new cafe culture is brewing in the San Francisco area, where a growing number of coffee houses are banishing paper to-go cups and replacing them with everything from glass jars to rental mugs and BYO cup policies. What started as a small trend among neighbourhood cafes to reduce waste is gaining support from some big names in the city’s food and coffee world.Celebrated chef Dominique Crenn, owner of the three-star Michelin restaurant Atelier Crenn, is opening a San Francisco cafe next year that will have no to-go bags or disposable coffee cups and will use no plastic. Customers who plan to sip and go at Boutique Crenn will be encouraged to bring their own coffee cups, says spokeswoman Kate Bittman.On a bigger scale, the Blue Bottle coffeehouse chain, which goes through about 15,000 to-go cups a month at its 70 US locations, says it wants to “show our guests and the world high barrier films Company that we can eliminate disposable cups.”Blue Bottle is starting small with plans to stop using paper cups at two of its San Francisco area branches in 2020, as part of a pledge to go “zero waste” by the end of next year. Coffee to-go customers will have to bring their own mug or pay a deposit for a reusable cup, which they can keep or return for a refund. The deposit fee will likely be between USD 3 and USD 5, the company said.“We expect to lose some business,” he said. “We know some of our guests won’t like it — and we’re prepared for that.” Larger coffee and fast-food chains around the US are feeling a sense of urgency to be more environmentally friendly, and will no doubt be watching, said Bridget Croke, of New York-based recycling investment firm Closed Loop Partners, which is working with Starbucks and McDonald’s to develop an eco-friendly alternative to the disposable coffee cup.


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Prashin makes an important point when he says that being organic is not synonymous with being eco-friendly.”Awareness through activitiesApart from infusing their wedding with eco-friendly options, couples have also tried to inform guests about nature-friendly habits by organising fun activities during the wedding festivities.There’s a need, there’s a wayWhile eco-friendly weddings are not yet the norm, they are definitely the need of the hour.”

The couple also held a pot-making event to encourage guests to use natural items instead of plastic. Our centerpiece is now used as a flower vase.”Eco-friendly invite (Courtesy: Rubina’s Instagram)Apart from invites, couples are also opting for eco-friendly materials when it comes to decorations.Prashin and Deepa, on the other hand, stuck posters to create awareness about food wastage. “Abhinav strongly believes that diamonds are blood diamonds. Guests were invited to plant seed bombs in an area we had cleared. Rubina says, “We decided to not give invites that people would throw away, contributing to garbage.


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The Yangtze, the world’s third-longest river, “is the largest contributing catchment” dumping some 330,000 tonnes of plastic into the East China Sea, which is followed by the Ganges River.41 million tonnes of plastic into the sea every year, an amount that needs between 48,000 to over 100,000 dump trucks to carry it away.It is high time we understand that plastic, including biodegradable plastic, not only takes years to decompose in our environment but rarely fully disappears.Further, plastics contain additives and chemicals that are added to improve the desirable properties of the plastic product, for exampl

So the best thing we can do to protect our waterways is try to keep as much plastic as possible out of the waste stream in the first place. Microplastics can be consumed by a diverse array of marine organisms, across trophic levels, including zooplankton, bivalves, barnacles, fish, turtles and birds.Plastics A series of package pouches and film rolls Suppliers in the marine environment are of increasing concern because of their persistence and effects on oceans, wildlife, and especially on humans.Microplastics are particles less than five mm in size that deteriorate from larger plastic pieces that have entered the oceans.5 billion metric tons of solid waste. Several broad classes of plastics are used in packaging: Polyethyelene (PE), Polypropylene (PP), Polystyrene (PS), Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and Polyvinyl chloride (PVC). POPs) and to leaching of plasticisers that are considered toxic. Of that, 275 million metric tons was plastic, and an estimated 8 million metric tons of mismanaged plastic waste entered the ocean in 2010. No matter how inconvenient the truth, it is important that as citizens we take action and change our consumption patterns in favour of alternatives to plastics so that we can minimise our exposure to harmful additives and also help our environment. According to a 2012 survey, 4,360 tons of microbeads were used throughout all European Union countries in that year alone.e, antioxidants, light-stabilisers, slip additives, etc which may leach out under conditions of use and accumulate in the environment and gradually end up intruding into the food web. These tiny particles easily pass through water filtration systems and end up in the ocean, posing a potential threat to aquatic life. Microplastics come from a variety of sources, including from larger plastic debris that degrades into smaller and smaller pieces.1) Refuse disposable plastic whenever and wherever possible.


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”Blue Bottle is starting small with plans to stop using paper cups at two of its San Francisco area branches in 2020, as part of a pledge to go “zero waste” by the end of next year.” end-of Tags: san francisco, blue bottle, eco-friendly. “We’re a small coffee shop. People just have to get into the mindset.Starting in January, cafes and restaurants in Berkeley will charge 25 cents for disposable cups, and San Francisco is considering similar legislation.

On a bigger scale, the Blue Bottle coffeehouse chain, which goes through about 15,000 to-go cups a month at its 70 US locations, says it wants to “show our guests and the world that we can eliminate disposable cups. “I paid almost USD7 for this coffee,” Michaels said, sipping a cafe mocha. But at least “our cups are no longer winding up in the lake. Water is now sold in glass bottles and aluminium cans, and travellers are encouraged to bring their own empty bottles to fill up for free.Many coffee drinkers in the San Francisco area are taking Blue Bottle’s announcement in stride. They also have plastic linings that prevent leakage but make them hard to recycle, Croke said. “Of course it’s a good idea,” said freelance writer Tracy Schroth, at a Blue Bottle cafe in Oakland.“We now offer a glass jar that comes in a 12 ounce (350 millilitres) or 16 ounces (470 millilitres) size,” Korde said. He was inspired to make the change after his 9-year-old daughter’s school did a cleanup project at Lake Merritt, across from his cafe, and found their disposable cups in the water. Customers put down a 50 cent deposit and can return it for a refund or keep it and get 25 cents off future drinks. Vessel, the Colorado start-up that provides the cups, has a similar program running in Boulder.


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The focus needs to be on making the way we live more sustainable by questioning our overly consumerist lifestyles that are at the root of major challenges such as climate change, rather than a narrower focus on sustainable consumer choices, such as buying our takeaway coffee in a reusable cup. It could lead to major disruptions of our ways of life, by making many areas uninhabitable due increased temperatures and rising sea levels. Consumers drive markets and consumer choices will therefore create change in the industry.

These changes could start to happen within the current century. Partly fuelled by the success of the BBC’s ‘Blue Planet II’ series, people are more aware than ever before about the dangers to wildlife caused by plastic pollution, as well as the impact it can have on human health, with industries promising money to tackle the issue.There is a narrow window of opportunity to address the critical challenge of, in particular, climate change.Three boundaries were found to have exceeded: biodiversity loss, nitrogen flows and climate change.But by making these small changes, plastic still appears to be an issue we can address. Now is not the time to be distracted by the convenient truth of plastic pollution, as the relatively minor threats this poses are eclipsed by the global systemic threats of climate change.


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Their corruption-laden hands do not allow them to think for humanity. The greatest example is the implementation of unscientific plastic treatment plant in the city, which will in turn lead to massive air pollution. We can’t afford it. China Heat Shrink SLEEVE film The unscientific and no-result-yielding projects related to the dumping yard have been a topic of discussion at the government level for many years now.The question that is pertinent at this juncture, when the world celebrates the Environmental Day, is that can we afford more plastics being dumped on the earth? Are our authorities at the local level well equipped for proper disposal of the plastic waste that has increased massively in cities? Most of the experts opine that we still have a long way to go. 

When asked if the local government bodies have the proper infrastructure to deal with the increasing plastic waste, Dr Joy says that the authorities are responsible for these never ending miseries of the people in the city. Make it a paid option, where you get degradable/edible cutlery only. This new convenience is probably here to stay, but at a huge cost on the environment and our health. But, is it environmentally responsible? This has been a new change. Neither will the authorities do something. for various kinds of food, blending convenience and the concept of zero waste. Why don’t we understand a simple argument that we are the ones who need to come forward and work for our well-being? More such fire outbreaks in waste dumping yards cannot be permitted.  Encourage and adopt paper, cloth, pulp-based packs, palm leaves, banana leaves etc.


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Udham Singh Nagar (Uttarakhand): Yet another case of plastic rice in Uttarakhand has been witnessed.The food department has said that an investigation would be done based on the reports of the examination.

The people who went to their house noted that the ball made of plastic rice was bouncing like a rubber ball."A team has been constituted and along with officials of food security department and municipal corporation we will conduct raid.


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But theyre still hungry so they keep eating and it compounds, compounds, compounds and they explode on the inside," said Casper van de Geer, manager of Local Ocean Conservation, which runs the Watamu turtle rescue."Ita very successful story, we are hoping to release it if not today, in the next two days or so."It has fully recovered, when you take it out (of the recovery tank) it is flapping, it is fighting," he said.Most common are bottle tops, but there are also cigarette lighters, toothbrushes, food containers, different lengths of string, drinks bottles and of course, the ubiquitous plastic shopping bag.1 billion tonnes of plastic had been produced to date, most of it dumped into landfills and the oceans.According to environmental group WWF, 8. when it finds something like this..Fisherman-turned-environmentalist Kahindi Changawa, 40, looks with a smile over the tank for Kai, a green turtle which has been recovering from plastic ingestion at the Watamu rehabilitation centre for nearly a month..

Ahead of the UNEA meeting to tackle the scourge of pollution, UN Environment Programme head Erik Solheim urged action to stop the oceans becoming China easy peel lidding film Manufacturers a "plastic soup"."Elsewhere in town, a project called Regeneration Africa melts and treats the plastic gathered by volunteers such as Iddi, and moulds it into paving stones and other materials to sell for funds to continue the anti-plastic drive..For six days now, no plastic has been spotted in the turtlestool, Changawa says with tangible relief.As its human handlers step aside, Kenzo struggles out of the harness, pushes hard with its flippers on the sand, and slides into small waves specked with bits of plastic trash."Many others will not be so lucky."In Watamu, the locals do what they can.."Or they are in such pain that they recognise that they have to stop eating and they basically starve," he told AFP at WatamuBlue Lagoon as he repeatedly bent down to pick up one piece of beach litter after the other..The problem is a global one, affecting all the oceans and hundreds of animal and plant species."Plastic ocean pollution is a key item on the menu for ministers from over 100 countries gathering in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi for a three-day UN Environment Assembly (UNEA) starting Monday.On current trends, he warned, "by 2050 there will be more # plastic in the seas than fish.


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Recycling plastic waste can significantly help the environment. But how much of the plastic we use is being recycled and in the right way? How much of it is ending up in the environment or landfills and are causing newer problems that are difficult to fix?A new report finds that we are often drinking a credit-card size amount of plastic along with water every week.This new finding highlights that a number of China easy peel lidding film Company plastic bottles that people drop on the streets of New York arent always broken down or made into some new product. Thus, these end up lying around the globe around the beaches or even in someonebackyard, according to Live Science.

The US is known to ship over one million tons of plastic waste overseas every year. Out of that one million, most of the plastic used to land in China for recycling, until it put a stop to the import of plastic waste in 2017.Moving away from China, much of the plastic waste is now redirected to some of the poorest nations including Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Laos, and Senegal, according to The Guardian.The US in 2018 shipped about 68,000 containers with plastic waste to some developing countries, which mishandle about 70 per cent of their own plastic waste.For example, Malaysia improperly disposes 55 per cent of its own plastic waste, and yet it receives more US recyclables than any other country.The report also added that an estimated 20-70 per cent of the plastic waste going for recycling facilities worldwide is not fit for use hence discarded as trash.This unwanted pileup of plastic around the beaches or even in the processing facilities in these countries is posing serious health hazards # to people who are subjected to contaminated water supply with the smell of plastic fumes in the water.


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